My roomate discovered this blog last night and rather than commenting on all the wonderful posts already up, she chose to comment on the fact that it has been a whole week since my last one and that I need to hurry up and write again. And I thought my sisters were bad. Goodness Julia. Where's your blog???
I got peanut butter today from my lovely Jeanette back home. And her wonderful mother paid a whole $20 for shipping. That is pretty much insane. But it made me very happy that they love me enough to pay such an absurd amount.
Now I must retrace my weekend and some of the week to make this belated post. Oh, the effort. Ok here goes. I rely on my camera so much to remind myself of things I've done. It has occurred to me that this could be a faulty plan because sometimes I don't bring my camera places or don't take it out of my bag at all. No worries- I'm going to pretend that never happens.

Thursday afternoon Dina taught us how to make a few Greek dishes. We did spinach pies, cheese pies, tzatziki sauce, and zucchini balls. Greeks love their cheese. It was in everything and not in small amounts. We were rolling out filo dough, cutting them in strips and putting small dollops of either the cheese or spinach mixture onto one end. Then you make essentially a paper football by folding the filo dough over the filling in triangles. O, and don't forget the melted butter between
everything. The zucchini balls were delicious but fried in so much oil. By the end of this cooking session I felt thoroughly disgusting and swore that my insides were coated with grease. Nonetheless, I got up and went running afterwards with the girls. Ended up being more of a walk than anything to fight off an opportunity for my food to come back up. Almost a week later and our fridge still has huge containers full of leftovers. I don't think anyone has touched them and I doubt anyone will. But hey I can probably make some cheese pies and zucchini balls when I come back home for whoever wants them. I would much rather just make a simple Greek salad though.

Thursday night me and Julie ventured out of our apartment bubble to find a cafe other than the stinky Starbucks we live nearby (stinky as in literally it smells like a toilet the majority of the time). Just a street away from us is a tiny tiny cafe called Sokolata, which means "chocolate" in English. They specialize in *drum roll please*....chocolate drinks! Now I'm not sure if there was just a lack of creativity in the translating services from the Greek to the English menu but both mine and Julie's beverages were called "chocolate drinks". She got a hot one with almond flavoring and I got a supposedly 'chilled' one with coffee flavoring. Julie's was
theee thickest drink I've ever seen or tried in my life.

The flavor was wonderful and rich but so thick that Julie couldn't even finish the small mug that she got. The almond flavoring was also small bits of almonds. Mine was luke warm and more liquidy in texture. Could've used a few ice-cubes but still yummy.
We effectively journaled for as long as we could stand. It's so difficult to remember to put aside time for writing. We try to make it out to somewhere we can focus, sit, and do some writing- journals, letters, postcards home.
I love this one so much
Friday a group of us went to the biggest and bestest museum of all in Greece. The National Archaeological Museum. Now let me just take a moment to say to all who love museums that it is okay. Do not be persuaded by those who might be quite pessimistic when it comes to considering how enthralling a museum can be cough*julia*cough. Some people just don't know how to fully grasp how wonderful these artifacts are. They haven't learned how to consider the possibilities of who once held them, who dyed that pottery and painted the picture, who sculpted the stone to make that colossal stone woman, how long ago that person had to die to be honored with that ellaborate grave monument. That one- right there. That you are standing in front of, that you could touch if you really wanted to (if you're ok with getting yelled at by the staff) Gosh. I don't know. Maybe I'm a nerd. I still love it.
Pan, Eros & Aphrodite |

Saturday, let's see. Saturday we couldn't wake up in time for a 12:40p bus to Cape Sounio. I don't know how these things happen. I try to blame it on the garage door covers that we close over our windows that block out all light. Recently though we decided to stop doing that so we don't sleep in as late and so far it hasn't helped too much. My plan has been foiled. K so we made it by 1:30 for the next bus only to have the bus flash its' lights at us and go on without stopping. Me and Julia went for some tea and coffee and conversation at a nearby cafe and went back to the bus stop for the 2:40p one. Two hours later we arrived at Cape Sounio. It is solely the Temple of Poseidon, a restaurant, and small souvenior shop. We walked to both ends of the rock area until we could no further without plummeting into the o so beautiful water. Eventually we just sat on the grass and watched the sun set. This is only a few of a million and half pictures. Enjoy!
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